Acompanhante Mariana Silva

Mariana Silva

Lisboa, Portugal

Sobre mim:

Hello! I’m Mariana Silva, a 27 years old attractive portuguese woman with expressive eyes and great smile. I’m open-minded and I love enjoying some quality time with a gentleman or two and giving pleasure to another women and couples as well. I have a lot of sex toys to satisfy all your needs and I can make a very sensual prostatic massage.

I’m friendly, sweet and a very good listener.

Let me have the chance to know you and I promise you won’t regret spending some time with me.

Localização Avenida da Liberdade, Lisboa, Portugal
Idade 27
Cor Olhos Castanhos
Nacionalidade Portuguesa
Altura< 1.60m
Peso 50kg
Idiomas Inglês Espanhol Francês Português
Tattoo Sim
Piercing Sim
Localização Só Deslocações
Horário Dia & Noite
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