Tips on how to enjoy Escorts in Portugal

When hiring an escort, you want to enjoy the service you have paid for, that is the basics of basics when it comes to hire services. You can hire an escort's time and take her for a walk and only then getting to bed with her, for example. If you really want an escort but don't know what to do with your spare time, then rest assured. We have sorted out all the best tips for you.
Long session of your favorite fetish
The best and main tip on how to enjoy escorts in Portugal is asking them to practice your most desired sexual fantasies and fetishes. These fetishes are those that involve a story or even preparation for it to happen - you know what you dream of - and making them with escorts is always a good idea. You can work it all out and make it even more enjoyable, after all, you are paying for time and pleasure, so use it with as much intensity as possible. This is a good choice for those who enjoy sexual fantasies that depend on a story to happen.
Take her out
Another very common thing to do with escorts in Portugal is to go out with them. If you want a good company for a drink, know that these women accept and love this lifestyle. It can also be used as some kind of warm up for an amazing evening: hang out with them, talk, create a mood and then take them to bed. Back in the days men would only want to have sex with these kind of women, but now times have changed and doing this, in addition to adding value to your image on the streets, can make you feel a very powerful man. Many men do this and it is undoubtedly a good choice.
Enjoy the night
If you really want to make all the men around you jealous of you, choose to go out with the escort for a good night out clubbing. Do this if you have a little more financial availability, so you can make a statement on Portuguese nights. The purpose of this tip is to drive all the men around you crazy about the woman you will have sex with later. Every guy likes to feel powerful, if you don't have much of it, you can just enjoy the club knowing that you'll have to stay with at the end of the night. If you really want to have a good time with the escorts from Portugal, know that you have several different options to do. Do everything slowly so that the amount paid is worth it.
The escorts like to do different things, taking a girl out can even make them fell that you are the man! Have a nice time, so the sensations will last much longer. Leaving your comfort zone from time to time can be a good way to have fun. It is very worthwhile to plan a little better and do it with a little more time off. Enjoy the night!